Discovered swimming pools
The important investment to construct a swimming pool is not totally taken advantage if only it is possible to be used in the warmest periods of the year.
Heating a swimming pool with thermal solar energy is able to extend the season of bath substantially, being able to be used in the preceding months to the summer, in the later ones, and to enjoy a bath to pleasant temperature.
To install solar collectors to warm up the water of the swimming pool is a simple form, economic and ecological to do it. The benefit that contribute and the best comfort do not go at the cost of increasing to the power consumption or the gas discharges of conservatory effect.
It is why the law prohibits to warm up swimming pools with a system of traditional heating. In addition to being illegal, the traditional systems of heating are very expensive due to the great amount of energy that consume.
The solar receivers have advanced in this scope, having offered the most appropriate technology in each case.
The polypropylene receivers present/display a very economic solution and of easy installation. They can be placed directly upon the tile roof with no need of supports for his inclination, and the installation does not need additional elements.
The water of the swimming pool circulates directly around the interior of the receivers and is the same pump of the swimming pool the one that pumps it. The swimming pool acts of interstorage cell, closing the circuit and saving this element of the installation.
Covered swimming pools
To air conditioning a covered swimming pool requires a great amount of energy. The use of an efficient equipment and that is respectful with the medioambiente is very important in this field.
The heat pump is able to generate more heat than the energy that consumes since it extracts energy of the surroundings. He is usual which the equipment for swimming pool obtains a coefficient of efficiency COP near 6, that is to say, generate six times more energy than the one than they consume.
More about the heat pump
For these systems, the thermal solar energy is a perfect complement. Its application is able to remarkably reduce the power consumption of the heat pump and to generate sanitary hot water gratuitous.
The contribution of the solar collectors can arrive to provide good part of the thermal necessities during the winter and to completely produce necessary the hot water in summer.
The fact to have a swimming pool, great or small, or jacuzzi in the closed premises causes that the inner atmosphere is very humid and that the humidity penetrates by the walls and furniture.
In order to create one more a more comfortable atmosphere usuary them and to avoid that the painting of the wall is degraded, there are infiltrations or the furniture is degraded is necessary to deshumidificar the air.
A simple equipment of deshumidificación is able to maintain the atmosphere hot while it eliminates the excessive humidity of the air.