In wells where it is difficult to make arrive the mains, to use the solar energy to pumping water it is the economic option and, by the its position, most ecological.
Photovoltaic panels produce electrical energy to a tension of 12 or 24 volts in DC. This electricity is consumed by a pump, also in DC, that pumps the water from the bottom of the well to a deposit with a certain height. There it is stores the water for his later distribution.
The photovoltaic generators can be replaced by an aerogenerador , or use a hybrid installation with both.
It is possible to notice that in this case, the pump will only work in hours of sun or wind, so the distribution pressure will give the height it of the deposit.
The deposit can be replaced by an electrical accumulating group , that will allow to pumping water any time of the day and to distribute it to a greater pressure. This one option can be useful in those facilities that have long-haul of distribution or it is desired to bombar water at moments of sun absence.
Types of solar pumps
- Pump of surface or autoaspire:
Ideal for domestic use or irrigation by dripping, with long life of use and very under consumption.
- Submersible pump:
Ideal for deep wells since it obtains great pressure of elevation, of up to 120 ms of height, with a high yield.
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