In rural houses or isolated refuges where it does not arrive the network of electrical distribution must resort to an independent production system.
A complete photovoltaic system, with great capacity of accumulation, guarantees a trustworthy provision up to three days with sun absence, and a much inferior investment to the cost to make arrive the mains at the location.
In order to obtain a provision of absolutely trustworthy current, a generator set of support can get up itself to the system. Thus it is guaranteed that, in the case that the storage cells remain without energy, the system can continue providing electricity.
Hybrid facilities
Uniting the photovoltaic solar energy with the Aeolian energy an electrical production throughout the year is obtained much more constant. These two power plants are complemented: in the windy stations there are less hours of sun and vice versa.
Know more about Aeolian energy
Also it can add to the previous system solar receiver that, taking advantage of the thermal energy the sun, produce hot water. To this form, each power plant take advantage of for its more advisable use. This combination is very advisable in the remote places (refuges, cabins, etc.) where the power consumption must be reduced to the maximum.
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Solar pumping
An application very useful of the photovoltaic solar energy is the water pumping in any location. Of this form the energy necessary can take place to activate a pump connected to a system of irrigation or a deposit that allows to use the water stored in periods of shortage.
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Other applications of the isolated facilities:
- Facilities of telecommunication
- Signaling of highways
- Public lighting system